
Who peeping after the divorce I nightlife

Editor's note: in a magazine that phrase: single women of the night, can you imagine how many there are, they will be able to give you the number possible. -- This statement appears ambiguous enough, sounds very "satisfied", Why? After the May 1 holiday, we have received a divorced woman's distress - there are too many people around in a subtle attention to her: dress up the change, and a man alone with the moment, the occasional Wangui, and even she have television at home sound…… she was innocent: "I live misconduct, interpersonal skills, simple, and why some people make irresponsible remarks?" This is a trivial Vulgarity article, but in the back of Vulgarity, she dished out the one thought-provoking question - "They are concerned about what a single woman's nightlife?" Questioned because of this, the editors did not hesitate to launch these trivial text. Viewing the Besieged City Protagonists Files: Xiaoke, bank staff, is now in Changsha Divorced woman in front of right and wrong? I have to admit that those days just divorce, in the evening, room Lenglengqingqing, static video Guding, emptiness and loneliness as easily. Fortunately, I love to dance. The days when after the divorce, extra long night, in order to kill time, I almost Gesanchaiwu enter the ballroom. It can be said that the days when, during the day and at night I判若两人: Professional Dress daytime wear, sitting in the bank, not the money out of the money is to come close. One in the evening, I go to bars and bouncing off of folly. Inconceivable, it was thought that into bars is a very ambiguous thing, in many cases, I found that some were obviously vent to discotheques in the dance, when Duoduoshanshan door. This I Zhishuang more than they are often songs in the opening minutes, I quickly entered the role, rushed from the stage dance. When it is discovered that many people with below jump, I always have a sense of achievement, as if he is a manufacturing carnival queen. I like to use this to observe life. It seems to me that night is not ambiguous, and even more thoroughly than during the day, all of them unloaded camouflage mask and, as the music is very relaxing movements. Not that tired for signs of life, which, before the divorce, her ex-husband is also very recognized. After a divorce can be, everything changed, I found that my colleagues and neighbors to see me with a look of contempt or even despicable. Some male colleagues even more senseless, caught an opportunity to meaningfully fun "you are Shuanga, a person would like to do on doing", or simply did not open on the first tricky laughter: "Xiao Ke, which last night to bars casual? "

Oral: Let me her husband in bed depressed performance

I came to Shenzhen in 1995, less than a year to do the sales of cosmetics, very hard, but can not harvest what. Every day, I think a question: How can earn big money? At that time, I only earn money is almost a dream. 1996, MLM activities in Shenzhen just heat up, I would be very excited about the temptation every day in the development of a large number of fantasy ends, and then allow them to help me make money, buy a car within 12 purchases. April, I went to the Commissioner, joined the ranks of pyramid schemes. In fact, people who do pyramid schemes because eagerness to get rich, fantasy too much too messy, most people can be said to be possessed by the devil, in Shuidahua day Zhuancheshaojian that this person, that person has to buy the car Other people also prepared for the Housing, in fact, 100 people pyramid schemes do not earn big money of the five. In order to survive, many people had to deceive friends and relatives, no friends and relatives in Shenzhen, it is doing everything possible to rope strangers into the water and develop into their own ends. I was in such a situation to know I married. At that time, he unemployed, looking for work everywhere, I know him, he Shougulinxun and looked haggard, I do not want to talk about his friends, but I would like to use him, he developed into the assembly line, as a tool for earning money and I . At that time, I think, like his unemployed people, but also hope to have a job, earn a lot of money with fantasy, so I told him a soft, full of ambiguous language. Unexpectedly, he was cunning, I would like to catch him Yantiaoyu not catch, but he was a Duidaoshou. At that time, I often took him to classes at night, he is pleased to, but no matter how I tried to convince him, and he has never buy supplies pyramid schemes, we have not joined the "rats will." He Yantiaoyu I did not catch, but the past two to one, the two gradually up. During that time, I did not earn a penny, and life was difficult, with several friends Jizaiyijian small house, it is suppressed. Special summer, the air is very bad, very bad heart Mende. A person and he rented a room in his numerous hints, I would muddle with him to sleep in together. In Shenzhen, a lot of people cohabiting is no reason, and sometimes sleep Once off guard around a heterosexual. I know a few girls are like this, this may be a city of migrants special scenic routes.

China oil stocks for the finest international row recommend

Recently, three well-known international investment banks: Lehman Brothers, Salomon Smith Barney and UBS Warburg both on China's oil stocks raise recommended that the international investment on China's oil market is very optimistic about the performance. Lehman Brothers, the British company as China's oil receipts will be one of the best, raised its profit forecast 13 percent. Salomon Smith Barney believes that a report published by the China Petroleum and its shares are the basic factors of stability and investor confidence in the support of its management. This will be known as the China Petroleum preferred China oil companies, the rating to "outperform" target price 22 dollars, 28 per cent of room for growth. What is more, China's oil companies to the stock performance of all the weak are considered overweight opportunities shows his very optimistic about the recent oil Performance and good prospects for the stock. The company projected that the share of China's oil earnings ratio of 5.1 times, 5.9 times the price target. Another investment bank UBS Warburg also increase China's oil investment rating, as buying, transfer target price to 1.65 Hong Kong dollars. The company's oil to China in 2002, also raised its profit forecast by 50%. China's oil since last April has been restructuring and listing its stock performance has been steadily on the momentum. This is, of course with the international oil market prices linked to a certain extent, but the main reason for the steady development of the company strategies, including a series of higher returns for the investors a major move, and achieved notable success. As China's state-owned enterprises and the flagship of one of the largest oil companies, China National Petroleum has experienced an extraordinary process of restructuring into the overseas capital market and the success of efforts. In the volatile, and the sudden wave of clandestine cloud in the stock market, China's oil broke through many dangers, investors overcome indifference to the traditional industries and the failure of other examples of the negative effects of in-depth study of the markets and investors. expectations, take a positive attitude and the practice of seeking truth from facts, rationally define the stock issue price, has finally achieved a world attention performance. Since listing in the course of the year so far, its shares on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong only a dozen trading days following the IPO price, the price is higher than the rest. China's oil stock management and the performance of a responsible attitude to investors, and a series of reform measures are closely linked. At the beginning of the company restructuring, the company's management said in a firm for the position of a return to investors. Since then, China's oil continued to adhere to the reorganization, the implementation of low-cost strategies. At the same time, China also announced a number of oil development projects, the most important thing is that the project has been signed with 33 companies and the purchase and sale of natural gas pipeline letter of intent, but also an investment tender for the work, there are currently 19 transnational tender for the company.


Beijing will encourage the old resident to transfer out the old city old shop to return to original home or work one after another

On January 6, Beijing Municipal government announced that for the transformation old city residential building condition, Beijing starts “the application type to be scattered”, gives the currency subsidy to the moving out resident, first to supply safeguards preferential policies and so on housing, encourages the resident to transfer out the old city, reduces the old city population density.since has involved resident 10,000 household city four area to develop the founding of the nation this year a scale biggest house restoration and the municipal administration transformation work, to the city in 44 alleys, 1474 courtyards makes the transformation, involves the resident 10,000 households. the Beijing Municipal construction committee housing safeguard manages Assistant Director Li Xiyan to introduce that the transformation has four aspects with emphasis: Completes basically to five kind of dangerous housing transformations; Guarantees the vestige to the article, the key central courtyard carries on the restoration, the improvement, improves the residential building condition; Union key region transformation, perfect municipal administration infrastructure; The suitable scattered old city population, first solves the low income family difficult housing. “the municipal government arranges 1,000,000,000 Yuan special subsidy funds, mainly uses in the ascending pipe public building house restoring and moving out the subsidy, various areas must arrange the corresponding co-funding in the fiscal budget. The privately-owned house is responsible by the property right person to restore, the government gives the suitable subsidy, the unit is responsible from the tube real estate by various property rights unit to restore.”Li Xiyan introduced. changed “the application type to be scattered” Li Xiyan saying that the old city population dispersal must insist the resident volunteer principle, “was scattered by original the relocation type”, changed “the application type to be scattered”. Is willing to transfer out the original residential building, the government provides many kinds of placement ways, conforms to resident who safeguards the housing supply condition, first integrates the housing safeguard system, first verifies the supply. “for instance, in the Chongwen District grass factory three to ten areas, is willing to move out voluntarily, government Fang Yuan who arranges the great friendly area for you, does not hope you in here, the government disburse money to help you to repair the room improve conditions, round trip may the free choice.” this transformation original anomalous private will build constructs randomly carries on the unification to be neat, before the official house, from will construct housing alters to the kitchen, will meet the resident daily life needs, in the structure opens with the official branch, after treating meets the requirement, in the future will demolish gradually again. In the courtyard the ground carries on the hardening completely, and lays down the seep brick in the style of antiquity. In courtyard open area part unification planter flowers and plants. Li Xiyan also explicitly indicated that in the old city the dangerous house transformation's duty must undertake by the government, cannot give the developer, the development chamber of commerce pursues the profit, the volume fraction and the plan area. the front door old shop will return to original home or work the old city transformation to be able to outmigrate the old shop and the old inhabitant, causes the old city to lack the acupuncture point at the thumb to be mad with the human spirit? Regarding this, Li Xiyan indicated that is carrying on the front door area restoration improvement work fully had considered these factors, more than 80 Chinese old shops will return to original home or work, but many old inhabitants may also the free choice remove or retain. “we have the agreement with the merchant, many old shops will come back one after another.”Li Xiyan indicated that “round trip may the free choice, considered in the person attitude and business attitude aspect.” “this way is good, should say that is a milestone.”Chinese Cultural relic Academic society honorary chairman, cultural relics preservation expert Xie Chensheng indicated that the famous city protection and the cultural relics preservation are different, the famous city protection key point is maintains the original pattern and the style, protects the original old house. Beijing has made the concrete provision to these aspects, meets the protection history culture style requirement completely.

Jiang family four generations in Taiwan from gold age decline

The Chiang Kai-Shek family, calls is the modern China last feudalism family, is also Taiwan last authority regime. was specially in December, 1949, Chiang Kai-Shek is leading more than 100 ten thousand soldiers and civilians and the government and army officials, retreated Taiwan, “cooperated against treaty” in the US the equipment aid to cruise under the asylum with the US seventh fleet, was away from a width only hundred nautical mile channel, the leaning Anton South China Sea corner, the bureau place Taiwan isolated island, the local political influence rose truly before the island, outside the mainland fire, the Mig machine, torpedo boat's attack radius, the Jiang family dynasty in Taiwan passed the romantic without cause for grief gold age. from March 1, 1950, Chiang Kai-Shek announced that “the duplicate line takes office” ── mounts “president” the imperial throne, until July, 1972, Chiang Kai-Shek heart disease sent, the elder was laid up, by passed away up to April 5, 1975; Again has Taiwan military administration power authority after Jiang Jingguo, to 1988 dies, during near 40 years, the Chiang Kai-Shek fathers and sons (after country, latitude country), Chiang Kai-Shek, Mr. and Mrs. Song Meiling, as well as filial piety character generation of brothers the sisters, the friend character generation of grandson children, four generations, the may your family prosper for five generations, the person are in the same room luxuriant, blooms the leaf to disperse, the Jiang family dynasty passed the romantic without cause for grief gold age. after country, latitude country: Different life path country character generation of Jiang Jia the juniors, the birth age, was personally present on grand occasion has bumped into “the May 4th Movement of 1919” the patriotism tide blustery stage, they had fully suffered the imperialist powers humiliation with own eyes in childhood time testimony China; Also witnesses Soviet Red Army consultant the allied group to establish “the party armed forces” on behalf of the instruction revolutionary party, the Kuomintang and Communist Parties first cooperation, about Kuomintang each faction altogether smelts a stove; Latitude and longitude two brothers also kiss see father Chiang Kai-Shek posture of by the red general, rides the white horse to review the Huangpu Military Academy teachers and students, provides leadership, experiences the firing line to seize the flag to take a city, north a county, a province province faced pushes onward, has completed the Northern Expedition movement. receives the patriotism to enlighten after the country and the latitude country, because of the different international background factor, has chosen the different life path, went to Soviet Union after the country, the latitude country has gone to Germany. Receives Red Army to educate, moreover is the Trotsky direct descendant disciple passes through the country, experiences 13 year foreign land decoy and the exile years vicissitudes, after the returning to homeland, is entrusted by Chiang Kai-Shek by Jiangxi “major general security commander”, Gannan fourth administrative area supervisor special commissioner the official title. receives the German Regular Military academy to educate, is subject to the Nazi Germany imperial guard courteous reception, and has gone the US inspects the American Military academy and the ordnance construction latitude country for a long time, after the returning to homeland, Chiang Kai-Shek actually only presses latitude country in German army second lieutenant the official rank, to has surrendered to the state two steps, gives by captain the military rank, the latitude country starts from the basic unit regiment cadre, but non-like is lucky after the country. After finishing Xikou closes the door the studying years, after the country namely is sent the official Jiangxi Gannan, the duty department aspect important person. or says “the latitude and longitude to be stable”, is the biconditional gate, after the country, the latitude country no doubt with is the Jiang surname, but latitude country since from the very beginning, falls behind in the official career after a country big truncation, the full card blood relationship is pure or not, whether the real matter government operated transport does go well. a Jiang family public figure tells the author, the latitude country has a villa in the Yangming, has him to respond the latitude country to invite the Yangming villa to banquet, that day latitude country drinking desire wonderful good, urges to drink unceasingly urges the vegetable, warm straightforward. The thank you for the lovely dinner, guests and hosts having a good time, the latitude country invites the visitor to visit its villa room ornaments, the latitude country does not evade the place, leads the Jiang family family member to introduce by, when enters the villa master bedroom, but sees the bedroom on the wall to hang two pictures, one is Dai Jitao, the latitude country is pointing at the Dai Jitao picture, not mince said that this is my father's portrait after-image, on the Dai Jitao portrait after-image directly opposite wall, is one is putting on kimono's Japanese female's black-and-white photograph, the latitude country did not evade said that that was my mother's portrait after-image. Jiang Weiguo speaks with confidence, recounts the birth mother ponderosa pine gold to oneself guest the story, added that he had gone to Japan, pursues the mother ponderosa pine gold the vestige. that spacious villa, originally is pays own expenses to construct, after Chen Shuibian was elected as elected by the people Taibei mayor, because desired ardently to purge the Jiang family, selected the latitude country Yangming villa to look for trouble, abuses the civil rights strength, demolished the villa, child of filial piety the latter latitude and longitude country just resorted to the law, Chen Shuibian loses a lawsuit, the municipal government authority indemnity settled

because "Apple" contrary is endured by the broad electricity bureau reflects

The broad electricity bureau announced in the website "about the Processing Movie Contrary Question Fact issues paper". The notification said that "Apple" manufactures, attends aspects and so on international film festival, Internet dissemination and audio and video product manufacture at the movie, flagrant violation "Movie Act of administration" (hereafter refers to as "Rule") and the related laws and regulations. In order to strengthen with the standard movie movie-making and the release showing management, guaranteed that the movie and each kind of media's dissemination healthy order, the broad electricity bureau decided cancels this piece "Movie film To be shown to the public Permit", stops this piece in the theater release, showing and the network dissemination. >>>> □ all quarters to are endured respond Because the movie "Apple" all quarters in view of contrary are endured make the different response, Tong Dawei expressed that “is willing to examine profoundly”, Fan Bingbing manager Mu Xiaoguang said that at the same day Fan Bingbing works very late to only then rests, therefore not yet knows this news. However Mu Xiaoguang indicated that strictly according to bureau's instruction, and will make the profound self-criticism to this event. The producer side urges appears very suffering from injustice: “oneself are also the victim”, but Director Li Yu thought that “some questions have nothing to do with oneself”. After "Apple" is punished, "Club Tiger Chicken" and "Spring beginning" is discrete immediately, seeks for the new propaganda selling point respectively. >>>>

The Peking opera is the Chinese culture honored mark

Talks about the Peking opera, talks about the Chinese culture. What is the culture? Some people have studied, more than 200 definitions. I thought that the culture first is nationality's spirit, the different nationality has the different culture, has the different national spirit. Its core is nationality's values, the belief as well as with the language related thinking mode. These abstract connotations are through the cultural carrier, like artistic forms, the scientific payoffs and person's and so on literature, play, music, drawing words and deeds display. , One which of most out of the ordinary several kind of artistic knows in the Chinese most people was the Peking opera. Some people asked that the Peking opera only then more than 200 years history, it can become the Chinese culture the important mark? The Peking opera is not produces baseless, is by China's folk art and the historical story extension, the development, the synthesis becomes. Although its history only then more than 200 years, but if 600 year ago story, it has "Chisang Town"; Before saying 2000 the story, it had "The Fortress Stratagem"; Said that modern the story, it has "Sha Jia Bang". In addition it with the Western opera, ballet and Japanese kabuki entirely different performance form, therefore, said that the Peking opera is the Chinese culture honored mark, is not refined language of the undeserved praise. here I speak one first about Peking opera's small story. when 4 years ago, I also am appointed Information Office of the State Council director, once led the delegation to visit St. Petersburg, celebrates it to construct the city 800th anniversary. We have taken away a present, is one places in the instrument bezel, two feet high, very fine Baogong “the silk person” - - his clothes, his face is completely Peking opera's modelling, the surface like babbit metal, a body healthy tendency. St. Petersburg's mayor and the city leaders in the original office received me in President Putin, I said Baogong's story and the fable, expressed the Chinese upright and never stooping to flattery to, unselfish, the diligence and honesty in managing state affair quality respect. They said: “good image! We must place him the St. Petersburg administration building in the big corridor, lets each Russian officials receive the enlightenment every day.”Russia's television station and newspaper office reporter side in this Baogong looked like interviewed me, in the second day of newspaper's large brush-written Chinese character was, “China has sent an honest official, this to Russia was the most precious gift”. Is a model merely, produces like this big the vibration, we "Chisang Town" have not gone, if has gone, that causes a stir this is bigger! We cut cannot improperly belittle oneself, our Peking opera cannot attend a meeting as a non-voting delegate merely, what it is natural is the Chinese culture presidium member; In the world, it cannot “raise in boudoir nobody knows”, it should the role which hits by the host walk. I have an anxiety to Peking opera's development, in domestic, some young people not too liked probably. This cannot complain them, we disseminate the energy which and the financial resource at the Peking opera the aspect invests are not enough, works hard insufficiently in own reform. The present is material civilization ten thousand li in a day time, automated time, atomic energy time, large-scale jet aircraft's time, Internet's time ......The young people all are arming MP3, MP4, the digital camera, is on-line expert. These run the very quick person to grasp quickly to the new scientific and technical payoffs, are also many to its dependence. We look in the athletic field, the athlete in runs hundred meter time, clothes must take off as far as possible, can only put on the short vest. In jogs along with the material civilization, we ours culture will discard or the culture remain in-situ? Our social progress after all cannot look like in the athletic field jogging, the economy, the technology impels we run forward, cannot discard our traditional culture. The civilized and the cultural definition is very complex, the German philosophers once explicitly separated in the last century with the different definition them: The civilization is and the technology, the scientific and technical payoffs as well as the life style close related manifestation, but the culture is nationality's spirit and the soul. They think in certain time, the civilization and the culture will oppose. Is progressive in our material civilization, how to maintain with the development spiritual civilization. This is I to a Peking opera's anxiety, how to dispel melancholy? Only has promotion - - us first to at the domestic promotion Peking opera, the fertile soil which the cultivation Peking opera grows.