
18th century East Aisa Confucianism thought comparison seminarsummarizes -1

18th century East Aisa Confucianism thought seminar convenes fromOctober 19, 2007 to 20th in the Wuhan University. This session ofcongresses by South Korean Cheng Junguan the university Confucianismculture research institute and Wuhan University Kong Zi and theConfucianism research center, the Wuhan University China traditionalculture research center, the Wuhan University philosophy institutejointly sponsor, university East Aisa academic courtyard Confucianismculture research institute Manager Professor Wu Xiyuan managestogether by Wuhan University Kong Zi and Confucianism research centerDirector Professor Guo Qiyong and South Korean Cheng Junguan.Cheng Junguan the university has more than 600 years the history, isthe quite rich great reputation old school. The East AsianConfucianism research is this school strong point. On Cheng Junguanuniversity's invitation, my school Professor Guo Qiyong visited thisschool in July, 2006, attended this school sponsor "the Confucianismclassics and 17th century East Aisa Confucianism thought" theinternational academic conference and read out the paper. At that timethe China Wuhan University philosophy institute and South Korean ChengJunguan between the university Japan education ministry, as well asWuhan University Kong Zi and the Confucianism research center andCheng Junguan between the university Confucianism culture researchinstitute has signed the international academic exchange agreement,this conference is carries out the cooperation agreement a content.This congress subject is "18th century East Aisa Confucianism thoughtcomparison research". This conference convention, is for the purposeof positively impelling the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean threenational studies to the East Asian Confucianism comparison researchacademic advancement, diligently sets at 18th century Confucianismthought research in a greater background, the open field of vision.Professor Guo Qiyong thought that, "18th century took the thought thetransformation time, the East Asian Confucianism thought world has hadmany changes. Therefore compares this time China, Japan, and Koreathree countries' the Confucianism thought, regarding the East Asianmodernization advancement exploration, it may be said watershed."(1) seeks 18th century East Aisa three countries Confucianismdevelopment the common stratification plane. In 18th century, the EastAsian country Confucianist both faces is receiving to traditionalConfucianist thought itself passes on with transforms, and has noalternative but to go faced with the external civilized challenge.Chinese, Japanese, and Korean three countries' many scholars all indiligently 糅合 the ancient and modern, mediate the Chinese andforeign. Taiwan University Professor Huang Junjie believed that, 18thcentury Chinese and Japanese Confucian scholars all in sparely noeffort opposed Chuhsi the theory, "Four Books" carries on again theannotation again to the Confucianist classics, substitutes for ZhuXi's annotation by this. Zhu Xi through to "Four Books" the annotationcomes structure its Neo-Confucianism the philosophy system, but thistime Confucian scholar then launches the comprehensive critique takethis as the breach. They no longer the main body which goes to schoolas the shape concern the principle the foundation which the valuediscusses, are more pays attention to person's in daily life concretephenomenon, no longer raises high the abstract moral principle, butcarries out the human relations practice which clear may feel.However, criticizes while them which Chuhsi's studies, we alsorealized to Confucian scholar like Dai Zhen and person and so on ZhangXuecheng in addition is seeking the trail, launched the Confucianistphilosophy new ball game, Wuhan University Professor Wu Genyoudiscusses from the road embarks, tests has discussed the dry fine timeConfucianist philosophy new trend, discovered a concept althoughoriginated to the pre-qin, but in actually changed by now rich and isprofound, Wu Wen finally pointed out: "Must say it, the dry fine time' theory ' the thought specially takes to attribute ' is realistic 'and the human relations everyday use principle ' the road ', this kind' the road ' both contains has the real situation the content, and iscontaining the value judgement; It comes from during the experienceand the life above, also surmounted experiences and lives, ' thenatural justice ' discusses the thought entirely different with theSong bright Neo-Confucianism medium range Zhu Neo-Confucianism." SouthKorean Professor Cheng Junguan university Cui Yingchen through to thethought periphery inspection, pointed out the Chinese, Japanese, andKorean three countries are facing the common time background: 1st,sovereignty strengthening and economical, cultural leap development;2nd, thought rule strengthening; 3rd, regarding western understanding;4th, new social stratum appearance. Qinghua big course steel professorwill inspect Dai Zhen gas to say that, pointed out will wear shakes "'the gasification ' and ' the thing ' differentiates, will gasify isclear about sums up as the dynamic vigor, ' the thing ' will sum up asthe inert material, and will emphasize ' the gasification ' and ' thething ' 相异性." Also this said contacts with Yu Mingmo missionaryMatteo Ricci the gas to say, then pointed out this later period in thefamous scholar Ding Chashan's thought also has the close tendency inNorth Korea. The East Asian three countries in a longer time, alltogether receive and obey the Chuhsi theory, therefore studies aboutcontemporary Chuhsi the research, South Korea opens bright universityProfessor Li Dongxi to believe: "In middle the modern explanationwhich studies to the Chinese Chuhsi, does not refer to South Koreanthe tradition is not good. This observes universal at the same timewhich the Chuhsi theory the essential thought has middle, alsoinspects in the particular reason which local launches presents isat." Japanese international Christianity university island ProfessorKang Jing the South Korean Ding Chashan's thought and the JapaneseConfucianism thought will unify the inspection, discovered in to Songdynasty neo-Confucianism criticism, to "ritual" will focus attentionon, to "the day" aspect and so on understanding, the Chashan and Japanwill go the figure study to have very many common place, although theChashan the figure equally has not certainly launched the throughcriticism like Di Shengcu to Zhu Xi.
