
Moves the ancient grave to construct Zu Long to be patriotic orinjures the country

The first date and time Nanjing cultural relic department's, preparesa Southern Dynasty's aristocrat ancient grave which just discovered,moves together with the ground whole to Nanjing local. Therefore, muststart the crane and each technical method, carries on the tediousancient grave migration. This fantastic story strange event just sawvarious to the newspaper media, in the television media sees Henan tobuild several kilometer long going around a mountain "Zu Long", it issaid this act was for develop with the inheritance dragon spirit. Thistwo matters as soon as pass through disclosed that, causes the publicopinion immediately in an uproar. Some person of articles were sayingmoves act of the ancient grave, violates the country cultural relicspreservation laws and regulations; The television media publiccondemnation goes around a mountain makes the dragon, destroyed thenatural environment, tramples the national environmental protectionlaw. Two all belongs tires the people and squanders resources theaction.Our cognition it deeper level question lies in, in the partialcountries will of the people is restoring the old consciousness andChina's science development consciousness playing chess, drilled hasthe snoring to the narrow populism in to go. Mr. did not see last yearZhejiang Hengdian group, had again to make in Chiangnan "Old SummerPalace"? Therefore, the author once on published "Vacation Phoenix in"Wenhui Daily "Empty 凰 with Steeled oneself for revenge" in the shortwritten work, talked about regardless of "the clone" how many imperialfamily botanical garden and Old Summer Palace came, all uselessly tobrought honor to Chinese the ancient civilization, helped my China tosoar on the Earth. Moves the ancient grave and goes around a mountainthe construction "Zu Long" a matter, although is not "the clone" thecategory, but its thought essence is exactly the same, did not know asif our Chinese nation must stand erect forest of to the worldnationality, while brings honor to the Chinese ancient culture, needsthe contemporary consciousness the corona to shine.This year late April, invited on Tianjin to participate in "the worldstudied Japan" the activity, saw the recent years was busy at FengJicai which saved the folk culture. We on the populism, once leftbehind like was the dialogue. I said that, "The brother, you sufficelaboriously, a year is widely traveled, for saved the folk invisibleculture property but the white hair, I expressed a cultural worker'srespect to you. But the brother you surely do not consider only thishead, but has forgotten that head. The millennium ancient temple mustrepair, moon landing airship must make. To?" He said that, "In thepeople truly some person of trends restore the old the extreme, China5000 historical civilization, truly wants us to inherit; But somematters deducted overstepped the limit, for instance Henan went arounda mountain builds ' Zu Long ' a matter, Wenhui Daily reporter hascarried on the interview to me, I said if considered only earnestlyinquired about the mummy and washed the millennium ancient treasure,but desalinated the modernized construction, was puts the cart beforethe horse injures the country the action."Will mention also skillfully, in the near future also reads from themedia, some people suggested Chinese the Mother's Day and May 13 worldMother's Day the minute will leave, will change it to the April dateof Mencius birthday. Why? Answers said that, In Confucianism Mencius,not only advocates the filial piety, moreover practice filial piety.My day! Mother's Day comes from the west, what necessity do we havealso its 民粹? According to this inference, why not returns the A.D.and the century to the imperial calendar biographical chronology in;Including 2008 the Olympic Games proposed "identical world, identicaldream" the resounding slogan, feared was also must carry on revises.Considers: Thus and such and such gets down, is not for China whichsoars is entangling the footbinding cloths?Chinese nation's civilization will accumulate cannot lose, but if wehave passed through the head, meant nationality self- seal and self-prison. Remembered that, Deng Xiaoping once had said a 铁铮铮famous saying: "The development is the hard truth". Recently, "ChangE" 探月 the satellite lifted off, the round Chinese nation's dreamof powerful nation, now at last was basis of the Chinese nationsurvival development. Not right? !We take this as the ruler, again carefully examines these 民粹 torestore the old the act, not difficult minute clear any is patriotic,any was injures the country. From Uygur bright
