
18th century East Aisa Confucianism thought comparison seminarsummarizes-2

(2) suddenly reveals the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean three countriesConfucian scholars' interaction relations. The 18th century Chinese,Japanese, and Korean three countries have not certainly been at thecondition which mutually isolates, between three countries academiccultures interaction follows the political economy interaction tolaunch. 18th century, the Chinese Confucian scholars practice thehabitually used textual criticism the method to perform to theConfucianist classics to study, this is impossible not to affect theEast Asian other countries, Professor Cheng Junguan university Xu □sremote pointed out: "Enters for 18th century the North Korean laterperiods, the so-called northern school of thought academic holds theopen to the Qing Dynasty manner. They accompany Yanjing ' thediplomatic group ', frequently communicates South Korea and China...... This kind admires the Chinese thought development for the smallChinese principle, devotes so-called to ' the North Korean heart 'middle raise. This kind the manner which opened to the culture hasbeen separated from the former Neo-Confucianism ideology, correctlyhas grasped Qing Dynasty academic 真貌, the academic circles hasbrought the bright textual research study tendency for South Korea."Professor Cheng Junguan university Lin Hexuan acts according to 17kind of China and South Korea to be handed down for generations theliterature, mutually according to, outlined the temple of Confucianlearning 佾 dance scene, also described its evolution process. 18thcentury, Ming Dynasty already perishes, generation but was QingDynasty, Professor Cheng Junguan university Li Meilin the system hasstudied the North Korean later period West China Song dynastyneo-Confucianism, pointed out in West China Song dynastyneo-Confucianism Hua Yi discusses (reveres week to discuss) is to theMing Dynasty righteousness theory which already perished, this atleast was one kind attempted in the spirit to maintain has alreadydisintegrated the East Asian culture order endeavor.(3) unfolds the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Confucianism developmentthe different way. 18th century 近世 transform as East Asian ZhuGuocong as the modern century, the various countries' interior all aresurging the tidal current which the thought innovates, theConfucianism folding fan are being near the new challenge; However,because the various countries' national condition is different, thevarious countries' Confucian scholar's response certainly not all isconsistent, then finally moved towards the different development way.Professor Cui Yingchen said that, "Examines" Confucianism RelationsHistory Timeline ", can discover 18th century besides wear in Chinashake on have not appeared the prominent Confucianism beside, aredeveloped except the textual research study have not certainlyappeared the big knowledge achievement... ... In North Korea, Japan,the remarkable meek scientist and the school of thought it may be saidemerges one after another incessantly." Professor Huang Junjiecontrasts the China and Japan Confucianism the similarities anddifferences, thought 18th century in Chinese Confucian scholar thoughtChinese main body consciousness is in collects, take self- as thecenter also not the nice foreign country, this the manner which openswith the Japanese Confucian scholars has formed the sharp contrast.South Korea extends world university Professor Li Guanghu by 18thcentury South Korea Confucian scholar Li □□ heart to say for theexample, explained it already positively absorbs western the naturalsciences thought, also absorbs in the inherent religious thought thereasonable ingredient, constructs his/her heart by this to say thethought.The congress paper also involved in the Confucianist philosophy othermany stratification planes, for instance Wuhan University ProfessorWen Bifang debated by the South Korean scholar four pole sevensentiments relates to the modern scholar to the Chuhsi heart, thenatural, the sentiment concept annotation, has provided the brand-newsight, thus studied the major issue for Chuhsi to make the furtherdiscussion. Qinghua University Liao Ming spring professor combs "theBook of Changes" the text, the annotation "is again dry", "the Yinprinciple" intrinsic 意蕴, returns to original state "the Book ofChanges" own philosophy, denial "Book of Changes" but saying of for占筮 the book. Wuhan technical University open large professor todiscuss in Song dynasty neo-Confucianism's esthetics essential factor,organically unified the Song bright Neo-Confucianism same esthetics,in the indication morals pursue was esthetic 意蕴.Finally, Professor Guo Qiyong pointed out that, 18th century Chinacircle of thinkers interior also is extremely complex and diverse, isnot only has the textual criticism, or the thinker only has wearsshakes a person. For instance the Li light, Zhang Boxing, Li □b, FangBao, the river forever, Hui Dong, the entire ancestor will look, YuanMei, the Lu article □□, Zhuang Cun and, Jiang Sheng, Ji Yun, ZhaoYi, Qian Daxin, Yao Nai, Duan Wangcai, Zhang Xuecheng, Cui Shu, WangNiansun, Wang Zhong, loud and clear lucky, Sun Xingyan, Zhang Huiyan,Jiao Xun and so on, but also some 18 and junctions of 19th centurylarge quantities of scholars, the thought will be extremely rich. 18thcentury China and entire East Asian society, between the governmentand the people, still was a world which Chuhsi studies, "Four Books"the time, at that time East Aisa all scholars all are in thefoundation which Chuhsi studies pondered the question, including wearsshakes. Places such as the Korean Peninsula, Japanese chain islands,Vietnam Chuhsi studies extremely richly, has own invention creation,is really big to the Neo-Confucianism contribution. Must the multi-dimensions carefully examine Chuhsi to study with is bright studystudies the west in the East Asian area, steps onto the auxiliary padrole which the modernization plays, in this on the one hand, theChinese, Japanese, and Korean scholar had many achievements under, wealso want the strength research. Professor Guo also appealed China theyoung scholar many pays attention to Han, the dynasty, the date, themore Confucianism, modestly studies to the various countries' scholar,thoroughly studies the Confucianism tradition and the East Asianmodern multiple relations.After two days time warm discussions, this conference is extremelysuccessful, had reflected now the Confucianism researchinternationalization degree enhancement, has made the new attempt forthe development Confucianism research domain.
