
"Currency War": Shocks everybody opinion

Was looking this this quite receives the book which disputed,yesterday looked at the first four chapters, after looked felt is aword: Shocks. A very long book has not been able to take to me likethis shocking, down to I a morning all somewhat am in trance today:Thinks oneself, even entire world all is by the bankers, even is afamily plays with in the stock palm. That kind of feeling really is agrief and indignation which cannot say. Thought what meaning theperson diligently does have, the work is not others' tool? But theafternoon 回过神来 thought viewpoint, more and more thinks not notrightly: Also did not say author's conclusion is the process has thechoice the fact and own inference obtains, even if author's conclusionis possible in at the beginning of the Buddhist ritual procedurescurrency birth to be correct. But on now society's polytropism and thetransparency, where has a family or how many people can controlAmerican and Europe's economy? The banker no doubt has the verytremendous influence, has very many privileges, how many people butabsolutely doesn't have formidable to be allowed to decide a nationalto the economy and the political situation, moreover if the economyand the society back up, chaotic is unable to withstand, calculatedthe banker has seized social all currencies, what advantage do theyhave can enjoy to, they live can very?But brings the critique judgement to look, this book or can developmany fields of vision and the mentality, in particular regarding mythis kind of layman. I intuition is the finance has the formidableinfluence to social and the economical development, but to thecurrency, the financial long and short of the story, how affects, isalways a chaos concept. But "Currency War" this book at least was letsme to currency function way concept clearer. Moreover this book futurethe financial risk police world function or will be worth Chinesegovernment and people to China prudently treating, although he willproduce the return 金本位 currency method I this layman alsothought will be indulges in fantasy. Moreover, this book writingtechnique or quite splendid and fascinating, although belongsaccording to the textual research actually major part contentplagiarizes and translates the others to have the content. This kindof behavior is I deep deeply despises."Currency War" may bring the critique judgement to read. My feeling isfirst is the author is winning favor by ostentation!
