
Traditional culture and language teaching "research plan-1

First, topic research main strategy1st, 凸显 in the classroom instruction the traditionalculture status, brings honor to the national outstanding culturetradition.(1) in the present middle school language teaching material, thetraditional masterpiece holds the suitable share, these texts arecontaining in the traditional culture great life consciousness,responsibility consciousness and so on. Must enhance student'scultural accomplishment, brings honor to the national tradition, mustby the classroom primarily position. Says from this significance, theteaching material is only the cultural carrier, more importantly,language teacher itself has the traditional culture accomplishmentshould become in the language teaching the traditional cultureimportant curriculum resources. Therefore, this requests our eachlanguage teacher to have devotedly to study the classical culture,wanders about in is classical and the modern cultural ancient book,has the plan further to enhance own cultural accomplishment.The language teacher also wants to undertake the great task which thevalue eagerly anticipates, must careful, the accurate assurancetraditional culture course content value orientation, initiates thetime and the nationality the mainstream values which, venerates topass through to the teaching entire process, from to person's lifelongdevelopment, future will be responsible to the nationality highlycomes "to emit the judgement", the discrete choice will suit thestudent to digest, the absorption traditional culture course content.(2) builds the good classroom atmosphere, takes the traditionalculture "Run to be thin silently" to the student gradually influencesis contaminated. "The position inferior has not dared to forget sad the country" "tobe concerned first about the welfare of all, enjoys the fruits afterthe people do" "obtains enlightenment helps much, the unjust causegets little support" and so on the traditional culture essence spreadsin the middle school language teaching material, only has works as theteacher affection investment, the true feelings reveal, the literarywork "the thought beautiful", "the content beautiful", "thepersonality beautiful" and "the style is beautiful" and so on to beable to seep to the student innermost feelings. The intravenous dripaccumulation, influences subtly the seepage enable the student spiritto obtain concentrates on, the thought along with it purification, thebehavior obtains rectifies, the mind can gradually influence,student's humanities accomplishment can enhance. In order to build theatmosphere, unifies my school the actual situation, may nimbly use themany kinds of methods.(1) through teaches pedagogical to read or multimedia dubs in musicrecites the ancient prose, savors language sound America, articleideal condition America, thought lofty America, to this infectsstudent's mind;(2) approaches the celebrity famous expert. Coordinates the teachingmaterial, each semester chooses 23 cultural everybody to carry on amore detailed introduction to the student. If life is full offrustrations profound scholar Du Fu, Chinese spirit representative ZhuZiqing, "rather is 玉碎, is not 瓦全" Wen Tianxiang and so on.City(3) with teaching material synchronization, according tostudent's special details, the right amount supplement famous expert'srepresentative works, through the synopsis, after guides the studentclass to read, the limited classroom will delay the broadextracurricular world which freely will control to the student
